Fostering university entrepreneurship knowledge exchange
Increasing employability and student entrepreneurial activities in Ghana.
The Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement
UEED Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings now available!
BET-Ghana kicks off research partnership with German cosmetics manufacturer, MAXIM group
AHK Ghana and CCIFG report the impact of the pandemic on business in Ghana
BET-Ghana Business plan competition starts screening of applications
Successful Interdisciplinary workshop in Ghana
BET-Ghana welcomes new guest researcher
Building networks between business and science in Europe and Africa
Call for Research Papers
Successful two-day case study workshop
Capacity Building Workshop Series
Call for abstracts now open!
“Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa” 19 & 20 February in Germany
Coming soon: Conference announcement for early 2020
BET Ghana to be represented at the DAAD Launching conference in Addis Abeba in September 2019
BET Ghana is ready for take-off